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Abortion: Why Should Abortion Be Legal?

  “No woman can call herself free who does not control her own body, the emphasis must be not on the right to abortion but on the right to p...

martes, 18 de mayo de 2021

Abortion: Why Should Abortion Be Legal?

 “No woman can call herself free who does not control her own body, the emphasis must be not on the right to abortion but on the right to privacy and reproductive control” everyone deserves freedom in life, whether to choose motherhood or not to choose it. Abortion, for years has been an illegal and deadly practice for women, many people think it should be legal, others think it should not, but what are the reasons to legalize it? These are the reasons why abortion should be legal.

The first reason why it should be legal is: More dangerous methods would be reduced and the process would be supervised by a qualified doctor. Blanco (2019) in the article Agujas de hacer punto, varillas de paraguas y perchas: el drama del aborto ilegal,affirms that although today it is possible to have a safe and effective abortion, every year 47,000 women die from unsuccessful abortions, performed under miserable circumstances. This is due to various reasons such as religion, sexist legislation in many countries or taboo. There are several instruments that have been used historically to abort (knitting needles, umbrella sticks), however, the best known is the hanger, such instruments are causing risk of bleeding, infection, sterility and even death. Other known methods are: Baths with boiling water, poisons, pesticides and herbs (such as hot mercury) which often cause if not death by poisoning, intoxication. Currently a great risk are the pills that abound on the black market, known under the name of mostrospol. Also, WHO (2020) in the article Prevention of unsafe abortion, defines that abortion is unsafe when it is performed in an environment without the required standards and by an unfit person. The necessary medical training and standards always vary depending on many factors (such as the week of gestation and scientific advances, etc.). Abortion is dangerous when methods such as instrumental curettage are used or when the client who performs the abortion has not been properly informed or does not have access to a qualified person.  The most dangerous abortions are those involving the ingestion of dangerous substances and those performed by untrained personnel using risky methods. In addition, according to the article safe abortion methods by IPAS (2018), there are 2 safe abortion procedures, endorsed for their high efficacy by the WHO. The first one is medical abortion, i.e., ingestion of tablets to induce abortion safely (before 12 weeks of gestation), this method when used in the recommended dosage during the first 12 weeks of gestation has an efficacy rate of 95% to 98%. The second is vacuum aspiration, this method has reason to be recommended by the WHO because it is safe and effective to remove the contents of the uterus in the first 12 weeks of gestation. If performed within the first 12 weeks, with trained personnel and proper equipment, it has an efficacy rate of 98%.

The second reason why it should be legal is: There would be less risk of infections or hemorrhages that can cause death, because the women would be treated in a hospital with all hygiene measures.  Heimburger, Strickler and Rodriguez (2001) in the research El Aborto Clandestino en América Latina: Perfil de una Clínica, found that many clinics have been providing clandestine abortions since 1990, and found that when threats force abortion providers to close, to protect their identity, the clinic is forced to constantly change locations. The research estimates that approximately 36% of women who undergo clandestine abortions have complications that require treatment. Contrary to legal abortion performed in a clinic, which works in most cases, abortions performed in a clinic are more preferred because they have doctors and trained staff to support them during the entire process. As confirmed by the article Las consecuencias del aborto no seguro, Médicos Sin Fronteras (2018) report what are the complications related to unsafe abortion: Such as heavy bleeding, injuries to parts such as the uterus or vagina, and consequences that last over time; They can even cause infertility in the future. According to the IPAS (2002) in the research El aborto en México, it is estimated that in our country 50 million abortions are performed every year, of which 20 million are performed in an unsafe manner and even result in the loss of women's lives. Therefore, these deaths occur mostly in places of low economic level and high poverty. Also, WHO in 2000 reported that approximately 19 million unsafe abortions were performed, while in other countries the risk of dying from unsafe abortions is lower, approximately 1 in 3,700 on the planet is much more than 1 in 250 of these deaths, according to population reports in 1997.

The last reason it should be legal is: Decrease in unwanted children. As author Schwartz (1971) said in his article The Social Effects of Legal Abortion, the existing laws threaten the health of thousands of women who have become accidentally and unintentionally pregnant, are forcing them either to bear unwanted children or to seek illegal abortions, because for the woman who is mentally or physically ill, poor, or already overburdened with more children than she can adequately care for, the birth of an unwanted child can be disastrous. By contrast, illegal abortion can be life-threatening and, in many parts of the country has become a leading cause of maternal mortality. The author concludes that the incidence of unwanted births cannot be significantly reduced by reliance solely on contraception, without having legalized abortion as a backstop. Legalization of abortion as a backstop method of birth control offers the best hope of bringing about a significant reduction in the incidence of unwanted births, and in fact is probably the only feasible way that this can be achieved in a reasonably short time because abortion has none of the shortcomings of other contraceptive methods. Abortion is not 97 or 99 per cent but 100 per cent effective. On the other hand, Bitler and Zavodny (2002) in the research Did Abortion Legalization Reduce the Number of Unwanted Children? Evidence from Adoptions, Founded that birthrates declined by about 5-8% as a consequence of abortion legalization, with the largest declines occurring among teenagers, women older than 35, unmarried women and nonwhite women, the abortion legalization it also is associated with an improvement in birth outcomes, such as neonatal mortality furthermore, abortion legalization may have led to an improvement in the average living conditions of children, probably by reducing the numbers of youngsters who would have lived in single-parent families, lived in poverty, received welfare and died as infants. Their results suggest that abortion legalization led to a decline in the adoption rate and a reduction in the number of "unwanted" children relinquished and available for adoption. This reduction may have improved average infant health and childhood living conditions. Likewise, Greene Foster (2018) in the article: When women are denied an abortion, their children fare worse than peers, points out that restricting access to abortion doesn’t just harm women — it harms their children as well. In the article, mention a research and founded among women who seek an abortion but are denied it, more than 90 percent choose to keep and raise the child rather than place it for adoption. What is life like for these children? in the research compared children born after their mothers were denied abortions to the next children born to women who received abortions, and showed that children born to women who were denied abortions fared worse. They were more likely to live in households where there wasn’t enough money to pay for basic living expenses. Women are also much more likely to report poor maternal bonding — feeling trapped as a mother, resenting their baby, or longing for the “old days” before they had the baby — with the child born after abortion denial than with the next child born following a wanted abortion. And the author concludes that women who received a wanted abortion were more likely to have an intended pregnancy in the next five years than women who carried an unwanted pregnancy to term. In other words, being able to access abortion gives women the opportunity to have a child later with the right partner, at the right time.

On the other hand, people against it argue that it is very risky and poorly practiced; this is due to the fact that it is illegal, but if this practice were legal, there would be less risk of infections or hemorrhages that can cause death, because the women would be treated in a hospital with all hygiene measures. As, the World Health Organization (2015) in the article Safe Abortion: Technical & policy guidance for health systems, over the past two decades, the health evidence, technologies and human rights rationale for providing safe, comprehensive abortion care have evolved greatly. Where there are few restrictions on access to safe abortion, deaths and illness are dramatically reduced. As Schiavon and Troncoso (2020) in the researchInequalities in access to and quality of abortion services in Mexico: Can task-sharing be an opportunity to increase legal and safe abortion care? analyzed morbidity and mortality health statistics in Mexico since the first‐trimester abortion became legal in Mexico City in April 2007. They found that since then, 216 755 abortions have been provided, initially in hospitals, by specialized physicians using surgical techniques; with time and experience, services were provided increasingly in health centers, by general physicians using medical therapies. Demand and need for abortion care have increased throughout the country, while overall abortion‐specific mortality rates have declined. Another point made by those against abortion is that the practice is illegal. For his part, López de Balance (2007) in the article Abortos clandestinos en México: las cifras y las alternativas, says that Hundreds of thousands of clandestine abortions are performed every year in Mexico, so sexual rights advocates seek to offer alternatives to avoid risks. Abortion has only been legal in the country's capital, Mexico City. "We have known cases like the one of a women who was asked for a gold chain to terminate her pregnancy through the reading of letters" she said. Likewise, Black (2013) said in the article The Politics of Women’s Reproductive Health in Mexico, each of Mexico's 32 federative entities has legislation on women's reproductive rights. States have autonomy over decisions that criminalize or legalize abortion, and many have explicitly exercised their power in the last decade. In 2007, Mexico City became the first subnational government to decriminalize abortion if performed within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Following a Supreme Court case that unsuccessfully challenged this new legislation, 17 Mexican states responded to the verdict by cracking down on abortion. In 2013, these states had adopted constitutional amendments protecting life from the moment of conception.

In short, many people think abortion is an illegal and risky practice. There are many reasons to think it is a bad practice, but there are so many reasons to think that this is a bad practice but, these are some of the reasons why it should legalize it for all the women. Over the years, women have been forced to become mothers, without having the option to choose whether they want it or not, so despite the various studies on how dangerous it is, they have resorted to the illegal practice of abortion mainly in clandestine clinics, this has produced many deaths that could have been avoided, which are mainly due to infections or poorly performed procedures. While the practice of abortion is frowned upon by part of the population because of the risk that exists when practiced by untrained personnel using risky methods, however, they do not take into account that the criminalization of abortion affects, restricts and violates the fundamental human rights of girls, adolescents and women, in addition to the fact that all women should have the right to decide about their own body, that abortion is legal is not a matter of opinion, it is a right that all women should have. We can only hope that, in the not-too-distant future, abortion will be a legal practice in our country, to save the lives of many women who die every day in the risky practice of illegal abortion.



1.Bitler, M., and Zavodny, M., (2002) “Did Abortion Legalization Reduce the Number of Unwanted Children?” retrieved from: https://www.guttmacher.org/sites/default/files/article_files/3402502.pdf

2. Blanco, L., (2019) “Agujas de hacer punto, varillas de paraguas y perchas: el drama del aborto ilegal” retrieved from:



Greene Foster, D., (2018) “When women are denied an abortion, their children fare worse than peers” retrieved from: https://www.statnews.com/2018/12/05/how-abortion-denial-affects-children-well-being/


1.Heimburger, A., Strickler, J., and Rodriguez, K., (2001) “El Aborto Clandestino en América Latina: Perfil de una Clínica” retrieved from: https://www.guttmacher.org/sites/default/files/article_files/2702401s.pdf


1. IPAS (2002) “El aborto en México” retrieved from: https://ccp.ucr.ac.cr/ac/gonzalez.pdf

2. IPAS (2018) “safe abortion methods” retrieved from: https://ipasmexico.org/2018/12/22/metodos-de-aborto-seguro/


1.López de Balance, O., (2007) “Abortos clandestinos en México: las cifras y las alternativas” retrieved from: https://www.eldiario.es/internacional/abortos-clandestinos-mexico-cifras-alternativas_1_2756593.html


1. Black. M., (2013) “The Politics of Women’s Reproductive Health in Mexico”

retrieved from: https://www.borgenmagazine.com/womens-reproductive-health-in-mexico/

2. Medicos Sin Fronteras (2018) “Las consecuencias del aborto no seguro” retrieved from: https://www.msf.es/las-consecuencias-del-aborto-no-seguro


1.Schwartz, R., (1971) “The Social Effects of Legal Abortion” retrieved from: https://ajph.aphapublications.org/doi/pdfplus/10.2105/AJPH.62.10.1331

2.Schiavon, R., and Troncoso, E., (2020) “Inequalities in access to and quality of abortion services in

Mexico: Can task-sharing be an opportunity to increase legal and safe abortion care?”

retrieved from: https://omm.org.mx/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Inequalities-in-access-to-abortion-services-in-Mexico.pdf


1. WHO (2015) “Safe Abortion: Technical & policy guidance for health systems” retrieved from:


2. WHO (2020) “Preventing unsafe abortion” retrieved from: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/preventing-unsafe-abortion

jueves, 18 de marzo de 2021

Let's prepare an easy chocomilk frappe for hot days.

 All the ingredients we need are very easy to get, we can find them in the supermarket, in the corner store or we could already have some at home. The first ingredient we need is Chocomilk powder, the measure is to taste so if we already have it at home we don't need to buy one, we also need ice, it is a very important ingredient since it is in charge of giving body to our frappe. We also need milk but we can use the one we already have at home or if you like you can prepare the one of your preference, we also need toppings of our taste, you can choose the amount you think is necessary and your favorite flavors. We will use few utensils, just have a spoon, a cup and your blender ready. The amounts of the ingredients are the ones we believe necessary since we need to measure little by little to achieve the flavor we like. In the case of milk, it is recommended to use cow's milk, but if you do not like it or you are intolerant, you can substitute it with hazelnut milk, which is very good and recommended for your health. There are also people who do not use milk and choose to use some powder to replace it, they claim that milk ruins the flavor of the frappe because it dilutes the flavor of the other ingredients, but if you do not dislike milk I recommend that you do not omit it because I consider it is an important element in the creaminess of this preparation, as it gives a great and smooth flavor. About the chocomilk powder, we have to be very careful not to use too much because this depends on the main flavor that our frappe will have, depending on how much we use is how strong its flavor will be, you can use a little at a time to find the right amount for you. A good idea to accompany the chocomilk powder is to use a little chocolate syrup, as it gives a more chocolaty and deep flavor, but we can also use any condiment, etc, that we like to enjoy the flavor more, besides it is very easy to integrate them to the preparation of the recipe since you only have to pour them together with the chocomilk powder.

The first step of this preparation consists of putting the ice cubes in the blender, and pouring the chocomilk powder and milk on top. And mix everything together. This step is the most important since we have to blend it depending on how we want it, we only have to blend for about 20 seconds to have a normal frappe consistency, but if we want it to have a smooth texture we have to keep blending until it has the creamy consistency we are looking for. On the contrary, if we are looking for a hard texture we have to mix for less than 20 seconds, this way the ice in the mixture will not be so crushed and will have bigger pieces of ice. The second step is to pour with the help of the spoon all the mixture into the cup we prepared, I recommend that we do it very carefully so as not to throw any of the mixture and our frappe looks aesthetically beautiful because if we do it quickly we could throw the cup or spill mixture on the table, once we have all the mixture inside the cup we can move on to the last step.

The last step is to decorate our frappe with our different favorite toppings, if we have chocolate sprinkles it would be great to put them right in the center of our mixture so we can mix them with a spoon or straw just before drinking it. But there are many different varieties of toppings of many different colors and flavors that we can use to decorate it, we just have to use our imagination and decorate it the way we like. One idea I would like to mention is the use of whipped cream on top of the frappes, I think it would be great to use it in this frappe. Whether we prepare it ourselves with an easy-to-make recipe, use one of the ones sold in the store just to whip with a mixer or buy one of the ones that are already prepared and ready to use, whipped cream can be a good complement. After finishing decorating our frappe, it will finally be ready and we will be able to enjoy our frappe.

Certainly this frappe is very easy to make and tastes great, its ingredients are all very easy to get and to change depending on what we are craving. The steps being very few are easy to remember for anyone even if you do not know how to cook, and in the decoration you can let out all your imagination to leave it as you like, try it the next time it is a hot day, I'm sure you will enjoy it.

Why We Should Consume Coffe

 Coffee is the beverage obtained from the roasted and ground coffee beans of the coffee plant. Coffee is very stimulating due to its caffeine content and its delicious flavor makes it widely consumed throughout the world. Besides the fact that coffee has many benefits for our health, which do not change even if we prepare it in different ways such as in desserts. Next, we will talk about, its taste, the benefits it offers to our health, examples of how to consume it in desserts and why we should consume it.

The taste of coffee is simply delicious and can be changed depending on each person's taste. It can be taken from mild and with a weak odor to a strong flavor and a slight acidity. Thanks to its great adaptability it can be ingested by people of all ages. Children usually prefer to drink coffee hot and with milk and sugar, since they are not yet accustomed to strong and bitter flavors. Young people are the most varied in terms of their tastes, since there are some who are still forming their personality and preferences. They also have a more developed tongue than children. For example, they can drink very sweet lattes one day and the next day swear they will only drink espressos. On the other hand, adults have clear preferences as to whether or not they like coffee and how they like it, whether sweet and milky like children, bitter like espressos, or if they simply do not like to drink it and prefer to eat it only in desserts. Coffee has a great popularity in all continents throughout the world and is consumed by many different types of people regardless of their economic level. Because there are very cheap options that are sold in any supermarket to very expensive ones that can only be used in special coffee makers. The vast majority of people around the world enjoy this variation in flavor and adapt it to their personal preferences. Apart from its change of flavors, we can also change its temperature to make it more suitable to our tastes, whether it is hot or cold, coffee is able to adapt. This makes it a profitable beverage all year round, regardless of the season we are in. In spring we can find it in mainly water-based drinks and in desserts such as dry cakes. With the exception of countries with cold climates in this season where it is common for the typical coffee with milk to prevail. In summer is where its market and popularity is more reduced to ice cream and water-based shaved ice. In autumn coffee is almost exclusive to hot drinks and pastries that are on sale all year round. In winter its market is reduced again but now mainly to hot drinks, such as cappuccinos or lattes with different levels of sweetness depending always on the tastes of the person who consumes it, also of course depending on how it is prepared, it offers different benefits to our body.

Coffee also offers us a great amount of health benefits for our body and mind. Consumed in small quantities, it can help us reduce headaches and control a migraine attack. It also stimulates the central nervous system and increases the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine, which elevate mood, helping to combat depression. Which is a disease that every day is more common in people of all ages. From children to the elderly. Another benefit that has been demonstrated is that its regular consumption decreases the risk of Parkinson's disease by 25% and can also decrease the risk of developing prostate cancer in men by 20%, and endometrial cancer in women by 25%. Caffeine can also prevent the development of basal cell carcinoma, the most common type of skin cancer. With so many benefits it is more than understandable why it is so widely consumed in all its different presentations every day.

Besides drinking it, another of the favorite ways to use coffee, which is becoming more and more popular, is to include it in desserts. These can be with varied sweetness depending on the taste of the person preparing it. Coffee breads such as pancakes, shells or slices of cakes are a great option to enjoy mainly in the mornings. Colder desserts such as coffee ice cream or other flavored ice creams with pieces of coffee are best left for warmer days. The properties of coffee are maintained even if it is consumed in any of these presentations. Coffee in any presentation helps to produce endorphins, also known as the happiness hormones. These help us to improve our mood and our ability to concentrate. For example, my grandmother, like many elderly people around the world. She has a routine of drinking coffee every morning. Which means she is happy from the morning and is starting her day in the best way.

Undoubtedly, coffee is really an excellent and extraordinary beverage for us. Its delicious taste at any temperature, all the benefits it brings to our health, thanks to which it is so recommendable for people of all ages. All the desserts that can be prepared with coffee. Coffee is so moldable that there are really many different ways to drink it and adapt it to each person's routine. That is why I also highly recommend consuming it in any of its presentations, the one we like the most, no matter what time of the day we crave it.

viernes, 29 de enero de 2021

The erroneous behavior of many Mexicans in the face of the current pandemic.

Mexicans have always distinguished ourselves for our excellent attitude when faced with problems, family problems, school problems, fights with friends, etc. But among all our good characteristics there is one that is currently making us look bad to the world: Taking things lightly, this quality does not have a good compatibility with the current pandemic, and currently the only thing that helps us is to increase the number of deaths in the country because of the virus. From its inception in Wuhan, China, to its leap to becoming a global pandemic, the COVID 19 virus has claimed and continues to claim many lives around the world. Each country has had its own way of fighting this virus and there have even been some, such as New Zealand, China and North Korea, where it has been virtually eradicated. But among so many ways of fighting it, the current case of Mexico stands out for the attitude that the population has taken towards this pandemic. Most Mexicans seem to ignore the indications of the authorities, some do so because they do not believe that the virus exists, others because they do not understand the seriousness of the situation or others simply because they do not want to.

martes, 12 de mayo de 2020


personal pronoun is a short word we use as a simple substitute for the proper name of a person. Each of the English personal pronouns shows us the grammatical person, gender, number, and case of the noun it replaces. I, you, he, she, it, we they, me, him, her, us, and them are all personal pronouns.
Personal pronouns are the stunt doubles of grammar; they stand in for the people (and perhaps animals) who star in our sentences. They allow us to speak and write with economy because they enable us to avoid repeating cumbersome proper nouns all the live-long day.

First-, Second-, and Third-Person Pronouns

A personal pronoun can be in one of three “persons.” A first-person pronoun refers to the speaker, a second-person pronoun refers to the person being spoken to, and a third-person pronoun refers to the person being spoken of. For each of these three grammatical persons, there is a plural as well.

Subject and Object Pronouns

Personal pronouns can be either subjects or objects in a sentence. Subject pronouns are said to be in the nominative case, whereas object pronouns are said to be in the objective case.
First singularIme
Second singularyouyou
Third singularhe, she, ithim, her, it
First pluralweus
Second pluralyouyou
Third pluraltheythem
The interrogative pronouns for all three persons are the same: who (nominative) and whom (objective). 


The “to be” is a verb used to describe something or someone. In English, it can be used to say different things according to the context. However, the most common use of the to be verb is to talk about names, age, feeling, nationalities, and professions, especially when talking in the present tense.
The most tricky thing about this verb, however, is that It’s also one of the most irregular verbs in the English language. This means, that unlike regular verbs, which barely change when used when different subjects -or even in different tenses-, and when they do, they follow a pattern, the “to be” verb changes almost completely in most of its forms. 

Forms of “to be”

Since the to be verb is highly irregular, it’s written in different ways according to the tense of the verb (whether if it’s present, past, future, or even in mixed tenses), and it also varies according to the subject. Let’s see the forms this verb can take when used next to the subjects.

Base form:  Be

This is the most basic form of the verb, and it’s how we can find it in the dictionary. It’s mostly used when using imperatives, and also as the infinitive. Some examples are:
Be nice to your sister! (imperative)
I like to be in my house. (infinitive)


This form of the verb is mainly used in the simple present, and its meaning can change depending on the use in the context. Also, when writing, the present form of the to be verb can be shortened. Here is the to be for all the subjects in both long and short forms for affirmative sentences, and also for negative sentences with to be.


am - I’m
you are - you’re
he/she/it is - he’s/she’s/it’s
we/they/you are - we’re/they’re/you’re
am not - I’m not 
you are not - You aren’t
he/she/it isn’t
we/they/you aren’t


was - I wasn't
you were - You weren't
he/she/it was - he wasn't/she wasn't/it wasn't
we/they/you were - we weren't/they weren't/you weren't